Meet Our Ambassador- Kimberley Nixon!

We are full of delight to be able to announce our first ever Ambassador @realkimberleynixon .

Kimberley is an actress, known to many for her roles in Fresh Meat, Angus , Thongs and Perfect Snogging and many more. She is also an incredible advocate for Perinatal Mental Health , sharing her own story which has helped so many others. Her brilliant podcast ‘Kimfluencing My Brain’ discusses her experiences with perinatal OCD and OCD , helping to bring the conversation about mental illness out into the open.

Kimberley says “After the birth of our little IVF miracle baby in October 2020, life changed irrevocably for me when I began to suffer severe symptoms of Postnatal OCD. I had never even heard of the condition and yet it took over my life for 2.5 years. I wish I had known that’s it’s fairly common. I wish I had known that I wasn’t a bad mum – just poorly.

I wish I had known about the Perinatal Mental Health Partnership.I am beyond thrilled to be the first ambassador , so that together, we can educate more people about, not only, how debilitating perinatal mental health conditions can be – but how common. You’re not alone, even though it feels like you are “.

We cannot thank Kimberley enough for sharing her story and for joining our team.


Published by evecanavan

Postpartum Psychosis survivor. Maternal Mental Health Warrior. Mother to wild child, mouth of a sailor and hips from butterville. Coordinator of the UK Maternal Mental Health Awareness week.

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